Monday, May 30, 2011

Images of Bridezilla

I really, really want to make a wedding cake!  I have visions of the happy couple exclaiming with joy at the sight of a beautiful cake made just for them on their special day.  But then, this nasty little thought creeps into my mind and nudges me, "Um..." it says, "What if you get a Bridezilla?", and that's the end of that happy dream.  As far as cakes go, I can't really imagine much worse than having someone hate your creation, other than perhaps dropping the cake on the way to the reception.  All your hard work, and artisitc talent (and when referring to myself I use the words "artistic talent" very loosely) wasted.  All those hours and hours of planning, rolling, kneading and moulding and sculpting for nothing. 

My other worry is being asked to make something that I really, really hate.  I can't think of an example now, but there must be cake designs out there that I don't like.  No wait!  Actually, there is a very good example of a cake I would refuse to make.  I would put a picture here, but I would hate it if somebody thought I'd made it, so if you'd like to see what I think is probably the worst cake in the whole world, click here:  WORST CAKE EVER!  Please note:  I did not make this cake, and I never will!

Then of course there's the worry of what on earth to charge for a wedding cake.  I've heard experienced pastry chefs on TV say that it can 20 hours to complete a wedding cake, and I'm certainly not experienced - well not yet anyway, so I'm guessing I should double that time.  Nevermind that, they have assistants and huge ovens, kitchens & workspaces - I do not.  How do you put a price on hours and hours of time?  For me in particular, time is the most difficult thing about making cakes, what with a "real job", 4 demanding children and a husband.  I wish I was brave enough to just quit my job and stay home making cakes all day - but I'm not.  Maybe one day, but not today.

But still, I really really want to make a wedding cake!

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